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Monday, October 26, 2009

Big Red Rock Country

Hello Everyone!

Hope things are going well with all. Hope you all enjoyed Courtney's blog post. I know I did! We had a great time with her and Lindsay and were definitely sad to see them go, but were pushing forward without them. Thanks for the great blog post and all the fun Courtney. See you in DC in a month or so! For all of you picture hounds who refuse to believe that were not just sitting home in NY making everything up (ahem, Shaunee), Courtney has also come through with a great photo album from the week she was with us. Enjoy it at http://picasaweb.google.com/cdouglas2. The rest of the photos will come at the end of the trip.

After the girls flew out from Phoenix, we beelined for the Grand Canyon. My dad told me that nothing really prepares you for just how vast and impressive it is, and I will second that statement. I mean, they tried their best to prepare you by calling it Grand, but I think a more fitting name would be "The Biggest and Most Impressive Thing You'll Ever See in Your Whole Life" Canyon. Much more fitting, and slips off the tongue just as well in my opinion. It really is just mind-boggingly impressive. We stayed for a couple of days, first checking out all the viewpoints on the South Rim. The second day we woke up at sunrise, which we saw come up over the Canyon's edge, another dream of mine fulfilled. After that, we made our way down into the canyon, going down 4000 feet in elevation and seven miles in distance to a bluff overlooking the Colorado River. As amazing as the views from the rims were, they pale in comparison to the feeling you get from standing down in the middle of the canyon. It was a truly breathtaking experience. If anyone ever makes it out to the Grand Canyon, it has to be seen from the inside. Its a grueling hike down into the Canyon floor, but its worth every step.

From the Grand Canyon, we went through Sedona, which is a small city comepletely encircled by incredibly beautiful red rock formation. This was basically Northern Arizona in a nutshell. The scenery is larger than anything Ive ever experienced, and its filled with these enormous Red Rocks everywhere you look. Truly spectucular, and oddly suspicious. How did these rocks form? They are just there, right in the middle of everything, without any explanation. If any geologists are reading this and could help us out with some explanation, Us two guys, and especially the Chevy, would be much obliged.

After a brief sojurn back into Phoenix for a great concert (Monsters of Folk, check them out theyre great), we headed up into the enormous Navajo reservation at the Northeast corner of Arizona. It was my first time on an Indian reservation, and I was a little nervous about it, but the people were all very friendly, and the scenery was again spectacular. We explored giant red cliffs with ancient Native American cliff society ruins that originatef over 1000 years ago, and drove through Monument Valley in Utah which was more incredible red rocks, and then ended in Canyon de Chelly, which can be described as a more accessible version of the Grand Canyon that is filled with Ancient cliff dwellings. After our trip through Big Red Rock Country, I can definitely understand why the Navajo believe that all life originated there. It is definitely the most unique, and maybe the most beautiful, thing that I have seen on the whole trip.

Anyway, were in New Mexico now, which Chris will fill you in on in a couple of days. Were heading east now, and theres only a month left, but we have some big plans for the last stretch, so stay tuned for more and more action.

Before I go, since I wont be making the next entry, Id like to wish a happy early 18th birthday to any little sisters of mine who may have their birthday in three days. Hope you have a great birthday Katy and hope you and Sarah are having a great time in Santa Cruz! Love you both!

Keep it real,



Diane said...

My dream! So happy you guys got to see that. My trip-tik just keeps getting longer and longer with each post. xxxxxm/d

Katy and all of nicks others sisters turning 18 in three days!! said...

AWW thanks nick! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!